A strategic choice

Morocco has made the opening up of its economy to the outside world an irreversible choice. This strategic orientation was reflected in the continuation of a large privatisation programme, the State's withdrawal from some economic activities and the acceleration of the liberalisation process in several sectors, notably telecommunications, transport, energy and the banking and financial sector. This has helped give a more prominent role to the private sector.

Morocco's commitments to further open up its economy to the outside world and ensure its integration in the economic environment are reflected in the large number of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements and conventions it has signed, as well as the various Free Trade Agreements it has concluded, making our country a genuine platform for trade and investment at the regional and international levels.

Moreover, the structural reforms, the policy of major projects and the implementation of sectoral strategies initiated by the Moroccan Government in recent years, which have been marked by the emergence of new sectors as key drivers of growth, have contributed to the strengthening of the national economy through the consolidation of the growth rate and the diversification of its sources.


Positive spin-offs

This process of reforms has been received positively both nationally and internationally, as evidenced by the significant flows of foreign direct investment to our country, reflecting the increased confidence of foreign investors in our economy and institutions.

After a decade of reforms, marked by several initiatives, including the National Committee for Investment Procedures (2006-2008), the Mokawalati Committee (2006-2009), and the e-gov Committee for e-government development projects (2003-2007), the need for coherence has been stressed.

Institutionalisation of the Public-Private Dialogue to promote entrepreneurship

In this regard and with a view to strengthening inter-ministerial coordination and public-private dialogue, and ensuring a strategic management of reforms, it was decided to create a body directly attached to the Chief Executive, under the name of the National Committee for Business Environment (CNEA).

The National Committee  for Business Environment (CNEA) was created in 2009 and institutionalised by decree N° 2-10-259 of 20 kaada 1431 (October 29 , 2010), is a public-private body chaired by the Head of Government, with the mission of coordinating the government's strategy on  business environment.


A high-level steering

The CNEA operates according to an annual action plan, prepared using a rigorous process and approved at the beginning of the year in a meeting chaired by the Head of Government and attended by all the members of the Committee, in their capacity as ministers and presidents of public and private administrations.

A dedicated team, attached to the Head of Government, coordinates the implementation of the programmed actions, with the various working groups established for that purpose.

The private sector, the final « client » of the reforms carried out by the CNEA, is fully involved in its work. It is represented by representative structures such as: the General Confederation of Moroccan Companies (CGEM), the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services, and the Professional Association of Moroccan Banks (GPBM).


Continuous improvement

Since its creation in 2009, several projects have been accelerated. Among these, it is worth mentioning the publication of several legislative texts in the official bulletin, the simplification and dematerialisation of various administrative procedures. These reforms have had a two-fold positive impact on business life and on the image of our country abroad, as is attested by international reports, especially the Doing Business report issued by the World Bank and the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum.

Today, the CNEA aspires to become the only public-private platform for public-private dialogue with the aim of improving the business climate and following the image of our country abroad.  As a force of proposal and steering committee for the implementation and the assessment of reforms, the CNEA works in close cooperation with the Regional Committees for Business Environment.