As part of the long standing partnership between the National Committee for Business Environment and the Regional Committees for Business Environment (CREA), especially that of the Casablanca-Settat Region. The CNEA Secretariat took part in the meeting held in the headquarters of the Wilaya of Casablanca-Settat Region, on Tuesday 27 March 2018, under the chairmanship of the Wali of the same region.
This meeting, which saw the participation of the main actors and industry professionals, was largely devoted to taking stock of the progress made in simplifying and facilitating the procedure for connecting companies to the electricity network in the city of Casablanca.
During this meeting, Lydec’s managers presented a set of reforms initiated in favour of companies, including in particular the dematerialisation of the process of filing applications for connection to medium-voltage electricity in May 2017.
This collaborative platform, known as "e-reporting", enables the user to submit his or her application and interact online, follow in real time the progress of his or her application and pay fees online.
The process of dematerialisation was marked by the elimination of redundant administrative documents and the introduction of urban prefabricated transformer stations in order to reduce the time required for external work. In this regard, the Lydec's managers presented the new multi-service space called « Lydec MultiPro », which was inaugurated in October 2017. This space will be devoted to the reception and support of industrial customers , administrations and developers/planners in the city of Casablanca, by making clear the steps they need to take to prepare their applications and submit their files via the "e-platform".
These reforms are likely to facilitate the connection to electricity and thus improve Morocco's ranking in the Doing Business report published by the World Bank Group. Lastly, after praising the efforts made, the representative of the CNEA's Secretariat provided an overview of the CNEA's main accomplishments, while stressing the importance of international reports, especially Doing Business report, and its impact on the image of the country among foreign investors. He also pointed out that these report only deals with concrete reforms that have an impact on the entrepreneur and his activity. Among these, it is worth mentioning the dematerialisation of the Urban Agency’s procedures «Casa-urba» which has enabled Morocco to rank among the top 20 according to the "Dealing with Construction Permits " index.